Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – September 23, 2014
MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held at the home of Rosemary and Dick Schwartzbard. In addition to the hosts, attendees were: Nancy McKinley, John Holt, Maryann Rozzell, Ray McKinley, Carolyn DeVilbiss, Jan Marx, and Ellie Thayer. President, Nancy McKinley, chaired the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Ellie Thayer, submitted the minutes for the August 25, 2014 meeting electronically. The minutes were approved and filed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, submitted a delayed Treasurer’s Report electronically on September 29. The report was filed by email consent. The Treasury amount is $16,164.82.
MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Records Report electronically. The report was filed. It was noted that the club now has 183 members.
EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on upcoming events and meetings.
September 27 – wine tasting to be hosted by Marianne Soponis from 4:00 – 6:00PM.
October 5 – Oktoberfest to be hosted by Louann and Bob Eadie at 2:00PM.
October 9 – Ruth Healey is organizing a hike around Clopper Lake at 10:00AM followed by lunch at 12:45PM.
October 21 – monthly meeting to be hosted by Leonhardts at 7:30PM.
October 24 – Rosemary is organizing an urban hike across Wilson Bridge to National Harbor at 10:30AM followed by a Ferris Wheel ride at 11:30AM followed by lunch.
October 28 – ExCom will conduct a telephonic meeting at 7:30PM.
November 3 – Washington Ski Expo, Tysons Corner Marriot, 6:30 – 9:30PM.
November 18 – monthly meeting to be held at the Washington Ski Center at 7:30PM.
November/December ExCom meeting – date TBA.
December 16 – monthly meeting/holiday party to be hosted by Hotalings at 7:30PM.
January 11, 2015 – monthly meeting at 2:00PM, host TBA.
February 15, 2015 – monthly meeting at 2:00PM, host TBA.
With respect to the October 24 urban hike, Rosemary will send directions to the meeting point to participants.
With respect to the November 18 meeting at the Ski Center, there will be light refreshments and boxed wine. Jan volunteered to bring the paper products. Nancy and Rosemary volunteered to bring other refreshments.
With respect to the January and February afternoon meetings, Ray chose dates that did not conflict with the club’s ski trips.
SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Ski Trip Committee Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, gave the following Ski Trip Committee Report:
Snowmass led by Marianne Soponis, January 14-21, 2015, is full with 36 participants. Mt. Bachelor, Oregon led by Cara and Bob Jablon, January 31-February 7, has seven firm participants. Mayrhofen, Austria, led by Inge Lesjak, March 6-14, with a pre-trip extension to Bled, Slovenia and a post-trip extension to Vienna, Austria, has 25 - 30 participants with many going on the pre-trip and post-trip extensions.
TOOT REPORT: TOOT Coordinator, Ellie Thayer, reported that Dave Warthen is the editor this month and Jan Marx is the editor for the November TOOT. All is on track for the October TOOT.
PVS 50th Anniversary Gala: The club’s 50th anniversary is in November 2015. The gala committee members are Nancy, Ray, Rosemary, and Jan. Rachel Abraham has agreed to serve as a consultant. Nancy hopes to add one more member to the committee. There was general discussion about the venue and whether the club should subsidize part of the cost. There was agreement among all who were at the meeting that the club’s 50th anniversary was a milestone event, which should be celebrated with style, and that the committee should consider finding a classy venue. Further, the consensus was that the club should subsidize members’ costs. No decisions were made, but there was discussion that $8,000 might be an appropriate amount. Ellie Thayer and Jan Marx brought their planning folders from the 45th anniversary gala for the committee to use.
Survey of meeting times: This agenda item relates to the issue whether to hold more or all meetings on weekend afternoons rather than on Tuesday evenings. Ellie sent a draft survey to ExCom in advance of the meeting. There were recommendations to reduce the length of the introductory paragraphs, add a comment box, and impose a 21-day response deadline. Ellie said that she would revise the survey and send to ExCom for comments. After it is finalized, Dave Warthen will prepare a fillable pdf document to be sent to the membership.
PVS participation in the 11/03/14 Ski and Snowboard Show: The question whether PVS should have a table at this event was not firmly decided. Carolyn DeVilbiss will consider whether a one-page flyer could be produced without undue labor for distribution at the show. It was decided that spending a lot of time on this project was not a good use of the club’s or a member’s time. Rosemary said that she would be attending the show.
NEW BUSINESS: There was one item of new business.
Issue of six vacancies in ExCom positions in the April 2015 election: Nancy asked the group whether ExCom should be taking more affirmative action with regard to the upcoming vacancies in ExCom. After a short discussion, the group agreed that we should be talking to and asking other members about potential candidates. Carolyn suggested that Nancy address the issue in a President’s Message in the TOOT.
ADJOURNMENT: Nancy thanked the Schwartzbards for hosting ExCom and the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by the secretary, Ellie Thayer.