Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – March 25, 2014
MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held at the home of Ellie Thayer. In attendance were: Nancy McKinley, John Holt, Bob Knopes, Maryann Rozzell, Carolyn DeVilbiss, Ray McKinley, Rosemary Schwartzbard, Charles Huggins, Sara Huggins, and Ellie Thayer. President, Nancy McKinley, chaired the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Ellie Thayer, submitted the minutes of the February 25, 2014 telephonic meeting electronically. The minutes were approved as presented.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, did not submit a Treasurer’s Report. In an earlier email he explained that he would be out of town and that, in any event, there was very little activity since the last Treasurer’s Report.
MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Records Report on March 26 (with apologies for being one day late). Two items regarding membership were discussed. First, Nancy proposed that former member, Pat Cricenti, (who had been on the Cortina ski trip) be reinstated. There was no objection. Carolyn moved for her reinstatement and John seconded the motion. It was approved without objection. Second, it was noted that Applicant (Associate) Individual Member, Jonathon Wechsler, who had been approved for candidacy last month, but who has not submitted a profile for the April TOOT, be allowed to submit a profile in a future TOOT. (Membership chair reports that he phoned Mr. Wechsler on March 25 to ask for a profile for the April TOOT.) His sponsor, Rosemary, said that he has been traveling in Africa.
EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on upcoming events and meetings.
March 23 – Ray thanked Maryann for hosting the March meeting.
March 25 – Ray thanked Ellie for hosting ExCom.
April 15 – annual meeting at Cara and Bob Jablon’s house. It was decided that guests, as usual, would bring a dish to the meeting and that the club would offer to provide the Jablons with other food items also. Ray was tasked with contacting Cara about her desires.
April 22 – ExCom meeting at Nancy and Ray McKinley’s condo. Nancy wished for this to be a face-to-face meeting to welcome the new ExCom members.
April 26 – the idea of organizing a trip to see The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee at Ford’s Theater was floated. Nothing was firmly decided.
May 2 – annual DC Ski Travel Show at Tysons. Rosemary said that there would be an announcement in the TOOT.
May 20 – location and host of the May meeting TBA.
May 20 - Celia Chen offered to hold a Chinese dumpling class. The group expressed great enthusiasm and appreciation. However, Ray noted that the proposed class was on the day of the May meeting and that he would contact Celia to try to find another date.
The group discussed future events and the idea that a PVS leader could organize a nonski trip as well as a ski trip. Nancy will encourage members to lead trips and organize events in the TOOT.
SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Ski Trip Committee Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, gave the report. The club’s second proposal for a 2015 ski trip was submitted by Inge Lesjak. The trip is a combined BRSC/PVS trip to Mayrhofen from March 6 – 14, 2015 with possible extensions. Rosemary reported that the Ski Trip Committee had approved the proposal. Bob moved to accept the proposal. The motion was seconded by Maryann and unanimously approved. Rosemary stated that she is looking for a leader for a third trip, ideally in February. Rosemary said joining with another club, such as the Columbia Ski Club, could be an option. Various venues were discussed.
The entire group applauded John Smith, who led a very successful local skiing effort this year – aided by Mother Nature’s abundant snow in the mid-Atlantic. Charlie’s efforts for helping with local skiing were acknowledged and applauded also. Charlie suggested that a one or two night trip to Wisp might be arranged next year.
Charlie distributed his annual statistical compilation about PVS participation in ski trips for the 2013 – 2014 season and also a 10-year chart showing participation. The group remarked on how many guests went on PVS ski trips. The statistics also showed the percentage of PVSers who went on ski trips over the last 15 years and noted the steady decline.
TOOT REPORT: TOOT coordinator, Ellie Thayer, reported that Dave Warthen is the editor for the April TOOT and that Jan Marx will be the May editor.
OLD BUSINESS: There were two items of old business.
PVS Stickers: Jan reported via email that Sue Lyon had 370 PVS stickers that could be used on helmets, ski tips, etc. It was decided that Sue should bring them to the annual meeting and they would be offered free to any takers.
Identification for PVS Members: There were two topics discussed relating to identification. First was the issue of permanent nametags. Further discussion was postponed until Marianne S., who is gathering information on the issue, is in attendance. The second issue related to being able to identify fellow PVSers on the ski slopes. After talking about cheap streamers that could be tied to poles and pricier armbands, it was left that trip leaders should be encouraged to use some identifier.
NEW BUSINESS: One item of new business was the perennial issue whether to have more monthly meetings on weekends and to include Saturdays as well as Sundays as an option. Nancy said she would continue polling the membership about the issue.
ADJOURNMENT: Nancy declared the meeting to be adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Ellie Thayer, secretary.