Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – October 22, 2013
MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held by telephonic conference call. Participants were: Nancy McKinley, Carolyn DeVilbiss, Louann Eadie, Liz Warren-Boulton, Dick Laeser, Dave Warthen, Ray McKinley, Rosemary Schwartzbard, Jan Marx, and Ellie Thayer. President, Nancy McKinley, chaired the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Ellie Thayer, submitted the minutes of the September 24, 2013 meeting electronically. The minutes were approved and filed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, reported that he was delaying submitting the treasurer’s report until he balanced the account statement. He identified a problem stemming from a discrepancy between the bank statement showing that a check had cleared and the “snapshot” taken of the bank statement that did not reflect that event. The treasurer will send out a report in the future and will likely be sending out corrected reports for certain past months.
MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Report electronically. The report was filed. Dave reported that the four-month grace period for paying biennial dues is nearly over and only three PVS members have failed to send in their dues. He thanked Carolyn and Dave DeVilbiss for their efforts in contacting many of those in arrears.
Nancy had suggested that the club grant Marianne Cook an honorary membership in view of her age - 100. All agreed with alacrity. There was general discussion that any centenarian member be granted an honorary membership in lieu of paying dues.
Dave said that he would be forwarding about $500.00 in dues checks to the treasurer. Dave also reported that he has created fillable pdf dues forms that can be used in the future for renewals and new members.
EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on recent and upcoming events and meetings.
October 15 – monthly meeting held at John and Gisela Storm’s house. Those who attended said that it was a very successful meeting with more than 40 attendees who represented old and new PVS members.
October 17 - Chesapeake Bay cruise led by Barb Leonhardt. Those who attended raved about the beauty and excitement of the cruise.
October 29 – date for a Culinaire lunch. Ellie reported that 32 diners had signed up and that the event was closed.
November 2 – tour of Fredericksburg organized by Melissa FitzGerald. Nancy reported that 13 have signed up. Others intend to go and have not yet signed up. Dave was asked to send out a reminder email so that a firm number was known and carpools could be arranged, etc.
November 2 – memorial service to be held for Jack Peoples. Dave was asked to send an email reminder for this service.
November 19 – PVS meeting at the Ski Center of Washington. Arrangements for the event are in place.
December 12 – combined November/December ExCom – it was decided that there would be a telephonic conference call meeting on Thursday, December 12.
December 17 – monthly meeting/holiday party – Ray is looking for a host and hopes to have the information in the November TOOT.
January 5, 2014 – wine and cheese pre-trip party for the Snowmass group from 3:00 – 5:00 at Louann’s house.
SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, reported that all four PVS ski trips are healthy. Snowmass has 32 participants; Vail around 30; Alyeska around 20; and Cortina around 13. Rosemary said that she hoped that John Smith would coordinate local trips again and that there would be more snow than last season.
TOOT REPORT: TOOT coordinator, Ellie Thayer, reported that Jan is the editor for the November TOOT and that Dave will be the December editor.
OLD BUSINESS: There were two items of old business.
Afternoon meetings: Nancy reported the results of the informal poll she conducted at the October meeting regarding whether to have PVS meetings on weekend afternoons instead of Tuesday evenings. Presently, the club holds Sunday afternoon meetings only in January and February. Nineteen hands were raised in support of weekend meetings. Carolyn said that she was unclear whether the poll was directed to all meetings or more meetings than the two now scheduled. In the end, it seemed that the wording or intent of the question was not decisive, because, as Nancy noted, the vote showed real interest by club members in the issue. The consensus of those on the ExCom conference call was that the club should have the 2014 March meeting on Sunday afternoon and “see how it goes.” Dave asked whether Saturday afternoons would be an option, but there was little response.
The old and the new: Nancy thanked Liz Warren-Boulton for her valuable service to the club as a member of ExCom and the Ski Trip Committee and, speaking for everyone, said she was sad to see her leave her positions and the club, but wished her the best of luck in her new venture in Australia. Nancy said that ExCom welcomed Paul Levy as Liz’s replacement on ExCom and was looking forward to working with him.
NEW BUSINESS: There was general discussion about the efficacy and wisdom of having a four-month grace period to pay one’s biennial dues. The topic was booted to the future.
ADJOURNMENT: Nancy declared the meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Ellie Thayer, secretary.