Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – September 24, 2013
MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held at the home of Ellie Thayer. Present were Nancy McKinley, Bob Knopes, Liz Warren-Boulton, Maryann Rozzell, Rosemary Schwartzbard, Ray McKinley, Jan Marx, and Ellie Thayer. President, Nancy McKinley, chaired the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Ellie Thayer, submitted the minutes of the August 20, 2013 meeting. The minutes were approved and filed.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, submitted the Treasurer’s Report electronically. The Treasurer’s Report was filed.
MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Report electronically. The report was filed. It was noted that there are 13 members of PVS who have not paid their dues.
EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on upcoming events and meetings.
October 15 – monthly meeting at John and Gisela Storm’s house. A representative from Snowshoe will be attending. Nancy reported that someone outside the club inquired about attending the meeting because the Snowshoe website was advertising a special ski package for those who attended a Snowshoe event. There was a discussion that the club does not want to encourage outsiders to attend private PVS functions.
October 17 - Chesapeake Bay cruise led by Barb Leonhardt. Seventeen have signed up. There will not be a notice in the TOOT because the deadline for reserving is October 1.
October 22 – telephonic ExCom meeting.
October 29 – date for a Culinaire lunch. Nineteen members have signed up. Ellie will contact Culinaire and see if PVS can reserve the restaurant for the club.
November 2 – tour of Fredericksburg organized by Melissa FitzGerald. Ten members have signed up to date.
November 19 – PVS meeting at the Ski Center of Washington. ExCom voiced appreciation to Eloise who has brought the food and wine for the past several years. The new volunteers are:
Jan – food platter, napkins, and plates, if needed
Nancy – white wine, clear soft drinks, and plastic cups
Rosemary – dessert, napkins, and plates and utensils, if needed
November and December ExCom – it was tentatively decided that there would be no meeting. If a meeting is needed, Nancy will arrange for one.
December 17 – monthly meeting/holiday party – Ray is looking for a host.
SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, reported that all four PVS ski trips are thriving. About 50 PVSers will be going on ski trips in 2014. She reported that Inge Lesjak will be joining the Ski Trip Committee, replacing Dave Lerner, who has moved out of the area. Dave, with all of his valuable knowledge, has agreed to serve as a consultant. Another replacement will be needed when Liz Warren-Boulton leaves the area. Rosemary announced that she will not be available to attend the fall BRSC meeting in Springfield on October 19. PVS may send up to three representatives. Inge will be one and Dick Comerford a second representative of PVS.
TOOT REPORT: TOOT coordinator, Ellie Thayer, reported that Jan assumed the October editorship duties for Dave Warthen, who recently had eye surgery. Jan is also the editor for November and Dave is the editor for December.
OLD BUSINESS: There was no old business.
NEW BUSINESS: There were three items of new business.
Afternoon meetings: There was general discussion about whether PVS should schedule more weekend afternoon monthly meetings in lieu of Tuesday evening meetings because of members’ increasing reluctance to drive at night. The January and February meetings have been held on Sunday afternoons for a number of years. Nothing firm was decided. Liz suggested that Nancy ask for a show of hands at the October meeting to determine a sense of the issue from those attendees.
Frequency and type of ExCom meetings: Nancy queried whether we should hold more telephonic ExCom meetings and fewer meetings in people’s homes. It was decided that the October meeting would be telephonic. The discussion evolved into whether we need to have meetings every month. Ellie noted that in recent years there has been one meeting spanning November and December, usually held on the second Tuesday of December. Ultimately, it was decided that ExCom would not schedule a meeting in December and that the President could call one, if needed. Although nothing firm was decided, the attendees agreed that telephonic meetings were easier for all. Also, it was noted that Nancy could cancel a meeting if there was no pressing business. Nancy and Ray both commented on the value of occasional home meetings.
Selecting a new ExCom member to replace Liz Warren-Boulton: In a happy and sad moment, longtime PVS member, ExCom member, member of the Ski Trip Committee, and friend, Liz Warren Boulton, confirmed that she is planning to move to Australia at the end of the year. It was agreed that she will be missed. Nancy suggested that Paul Levy be her replacement on ExCom. After a short consensus discussion, Bob Knopes moved that Paul Levy serve the remainder of Liz’s ExCom term. Maryann Rozzell seconded the motion. ExCom unanimously voted in favor of the motion.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned.
Minutes submitted by Ellie Thayer, secretary.