Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – May 28, 2013
MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held telephonically. On line were Nancy McKinley, John Holt, Bob Knopes, Louann Eadie, Jane Dealy, Dick Laeser, Ray McKinley, Dave Warthen, Jan Marx, and Ellie Thayer. Nancy McKinley chaired the meeting.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Ellie Thayer, submitted the minutes of the April 23, 2013 ExCom meeting electronically. The minutes were approved. Ellie stated that she had instituted the following procedure for future minutes: soon after the meeting, she would transmit draft minutes to ExCom and the officers for comment. Ellie would revise as necessary. One day or so before the next meeting, she would transmit the final minutes to the group.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, submitted the Treasurer’s Report electronically. The report was filed. Dick talked about the cost of telephonic conference calls. If about 10 participants were on line for an hour and had called in using the local number, the cost would be approximately $10.00. If a participant used the 800 number, the cost for that participant would be about double. Dick suggested that Nancy urge the participants to use the local number, if possible (including on cell phones).
MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Report electronically. The report was filed. At the meeting, he mentioned that there were 24 new members from Capital Golden Skiers (CGS), which made 173 members total for the club.
EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on upcoming events and meetings.
June 18 – monthly meeting at the home of the Holts
June 25 – ExCom meeting at the home of the Schwartzbards
July 28 – Summerfest at the home of the Jablons
August 3 – Steak and Swim hosted by Kerry and Marianne Hines
Ray proposed an outing to Blob’s Park and another to a concert at Wolf Trap. Ray asked that an announcement be placed in the TOOT seeking event coordinators for those two events. Ellie reported that a lunch at Culinaire could be arranged in the fall.
SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, was not present. The group discussed the four ski trips generally. Louann Eadie, co-leader for Snowmass, reported on the need for early deposits.
TOOT REPORT: TOOT coordinator, Ellie Thayer, reported that Dave is the June editor and that Marvin Hass will be the July/August supplement editor. Dave plans on having a few bios of new members each month in the TOOT.
OLD BUSINESS: Nancy McKinley reported that she has spoken with Don Vierimaa about CGS, which will stay in existence until its club funds are liquidated.
NEW BUSINESS: Nancy talked about how best to welcome the contingent from CGS. After some discussion, it was agreed that Summerfest would be a good place to give them a special welcome. Ideas about cakes, leis, e-vites, and personal calls were explored.
The second item regarding new business was a discussion whether the club should order new PVS pins. Dave reported that a set of 200 new pins would cost around $600.00. Nancy queried whether anyone knew where his or her pin was. After a discussion about changing trends, Louann moved that new pins not be ordered and John seconded the motion. It was unanimously agreed that new pins should not be ordered. In that same vein, the group discussed whether PVS membership cards should be made and distributed biennially. Louann moved that cards not be made. Bob K. seconded the motion. It was agreed that no cards be made.
ADJOURNMENT: The meeting was adjourned.
AMENDED MINUTES - EMAIL BUSINESS: On June 4, 2013, Nancy asked for an email vote to allow the treasurer to reimburse Lee Mahallati more than the $150.00 limit, i.e., $239.00, for the expenses of the May general meeting. Nancy noted that Lee had been asked to make a special effort to be prepared for more guests than usual. ExCom unanimously agreed to the request.
Minutes submitted by Ellie Thayer, secretary.