Minutes – PVS ExCom Meeting – April 23, 2013
MEETING ATTENDEES: The meeting was held at the home of Carolyn Maurer DeVilbiss and Dave DeVilbiss. Present were Nancy McKinley, John Holt, Carolyn Maurer DeVilbiss, Bob Knopes, Maryann Rozzell, Rosemary Schwartzbard, Ray McKinley, Dave Warthen, Jan Marx, and Ellie Thayer. Dave DeVilbiss made an appearance, but was not present at the meeting. Nancy McKinley chaired her first ExCom meeting as the newly elected PVS President.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Secretary, Bob Jablon, submitted the minutes of the March 27, 2013 telephonic ExCom meeting electronically. The minutes were approved.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Treasurer, Dick Laeser, submitted the Treasurer’s Report electronically. The report was filed.
APPOINTMENT OF SECRETARY: ExCom appointed Ellie Thayer to serve as Secretary upon the recommendation of Nancy McKinley.
MEMBERSHIP RECORDS REPORT: Membership chair, Dave Warthen, submitted the Membership Report electronically. The report was filed. At the meeting, he mentioned that there were potentially two new applicants. Additionally, Dave noted that it would not be a problem to pro-rate dues if members of the Capital Golden Skiers (CGS) join PVS.
Dave reported that he and Barb Leonhardt (who had been mailing TOOT copies) devised a new system for mailing paper TOOTs to the eight members who do not receive electronic submission. Eight PVS members have volunteered to copy, package, and mail a TOOT to their appointed person. That way, the copying and mailing burden is shared among eight members. The volunteers are asking for no reimbursement.
EVENTS AND MEETINGS REPORT: Events and meetings chair, Ray McKinley, gave a status report on upcoming events and meetings.
April 27 – luncheon with CGS
May 3 – DC Ski Travel Show
May 5 – Blob’s Park, originally scheduled on this date, will be changed
May 5 – John Lyon is organizing a hike to Harper’s Ferry
May 21 – monthly meeting at the home of the Mahallatis
May 28 – date for ExCom meeting; John Holt said he would look into hosting it; later in the
meeting Nancy suggested that it may be a telephonic meeting
June 18 – monthly meeting host TBA
June 25 – ExCom meeting at the home of the Schwartzbards
July 28 – proposed date for Summerfest perhaps to be hosted by Jablons; Rosemary to check on
availability of trip leaders
August 3 – Steak and Swim hosted by Kerry and Marianne Hines
Ray asked Ellie Thayer to look into coordinating a lunch at Culinaire. Carolyn spoke of the possibility of another Segway tour at Gettysburg battlefield.
SKI TRIP COMMITTEE REPORT: Chair, Rosemary Schwartzbard, reported that there were three ski trips planned for the 2013-2014 season, to wit, Snowmass in January led by Carolyn DeVilbiss and Louann Eadie; Alyeska in late February to early March led by Kerry and Marianne Hines; and a BRSC trip to Cortina in March led by Dick and Betty Comerford.
Rosemary reminded the group that the DC Ski Travel Show was on Friday evening, May 3. Rosemary will be attending the spring meeting of BRSC on Saturday, May 4, where future trips will be planned.
Rosemary reported the statistics over the last decade relating to the number of PVS members who went on PVS-sponsored ski trips. It is uncertain whether the older statistics counted each member who went on a trip as one skier (no matter how many trips taken) or whether the count included the number of skiers who went on each ski trip. If the latter, then the members who went on more than one ski trip would have been counted more than once. Also, it is uncertain whether the count included non-members who went on PVS-sponsored ski trips. Regardless of how the count was taken, the report clearly showed the downward trend of PVSers who ski. The number of skiers from the 2001/2002 season through the most recent season were: 129, 123, 126, 124, 119, 118, 87, 85, 79, 52, 57, and 42.
TOOT REPORT: TOOT coordinator, Ellie Thayer, reported that Jan was the May editor, Dave Warthen the June editor, and Marvin Hass the July editor and also the August electronic supplement editor, if a supplement was needed.
OLD BUSINESS: Nancy McKinley reported on the upcoming luncheon with the CGS on Saturday, April 27, at Pier 7 Restaurant. On behalf of PVS, Nancy McKinley, Ray McKinley, Rosemary Schwartzbard, and Dick Schwartzbard will be attending. The price is $31/person. CGS is paying for one member to attend. A motion was made and seconded, and ExCom approved reimbursement of $93 for the remaining three attendees.
Four ski clubs will be presenting proposals to invite members of CGS to join their respective clubs. The four are PVS, SCWDC, Pentagon Ski Club, and SSS Ski Club from Annapolis. Each club will be allowed five minutes to make its presentation. Nancy will be presenting for PVS. ExCom earlier agreed that free membership for one year and a waiver of certain PVS requirements for membership would be offered. Several CGS members have already indicated that they will join PVS.
NEW BUSINESS: There was no new business. The meeting was adjourned.
ADDENDUM: On May 3, 2013, President, Nancy McKinley, sent an email notification to PVS officers, board members, and chairpersons that ExCom had approved, by email voting, the proposed BRSC Vail Ski Trip, February 1 – 8, 2014, as submitted by the Ski Trip Committee. It is a joint CGS and PVS trip and the trip leader will be Inge Lesjak.
Minutes submitted by Ellie Thayer, secretary.