june 26, 2012

Present: Cara Jablon, John Holt, Marvin Hass, Richard Laeser, David Warthen, Louann Eadie, Elizabeth Warren Boulton, Carolyn DeVilbiss, Reg Heitchue, Sue Lyon

Others: Bob Jablon, Secretary.

The meeting was called to order at 7:34 P.M.

Minutes: At Carolyn’s suggestion, the May 29th minutes were modified to recognize that the default by a trip provider referred to in those minutes was not for a PVS trip. The modification was to avoid future misunderstandings or misimpressions. With that change, the April 24th and May 29th minutes distributed prior to the meeting were approved.

Membership Records: Dave Warthen has distributed to EXCom the electronic Membership Records Report.

Treasurer’s Report: Dick Laeser gave a Treasurer’s Report. Attachment A hereto. Dick reported that hardly anything has happened since the last EXCom meeting.

Dick will be filing our annual registration report next month under Virginia law. He will submit officer names and contact information plus a fee of $25.00. The report will state that we have had sustainable spending levels. To document this, Dick has reviewed our assets for the past five and one-half years. We have had “stable and sustainable” treasury figures. Dick will explain non-obvious variations. This five plus year of financial trend data is Attachment B. Dick said that money is available to be spent for summer expenditures.

Cara said we could talk about this with respect to Summer-fest expenditures.

Events: Ray McKinley has sent an e-mail covering future events. Marvin said a list was needed for, and would be reported in, the TOOT.

The Summer-fest will be at the Jablon’s on July 15th from 2:00 to 5:00 P.M. People may bring swim suits, towels and swimming gear.

There will be an August 4 steak and swim. Marvin will e-mail Ray for details and will send an e-mail reminder before this event. Any other events will be announced in that e-mail.

A crab-fest is possible around Labor Day.

Sue Lyon suggested having sign-ins for events. Cara agreed that this would be a good idea. Carolyn suggested that the EXCom sign-in person could be responsible, but this is not automatic, It was agreed that advance RSVP’s would be requested. People will be assigned to bring an appetizer or dessert, but can readjust, if they desire. In the context of our Treasury balances and Dick’s comments, Cara said that the fee could be $3.00 with the Treasury picking up the rest. Last year we charged $6.00. She is planning on hamburgers, hot dogs, beer and the like.

Dick said that the fee could be $3.00. Louann said that if people expect dinner, it ought to be $5.00. Dave and Marvin and others supported $5.00, which was agreed. At the suggestion of the Treasurer, the Group’s President may get the Group’s Secretary to buy some wine, which, as the Secretary understands it, can be more expensive than Trader Joe’s $2.98 per bottle specials. Therefore, we cannot be accused of hoarding money in our Treasury. Put differently, Dick said that we can “jazz up” the Summer-fest party.

Ski Trips: Fliers for all three trips will be in July’s TOOT.

Summer EXCom Meetings: It was agreed that July and August meetings will not be scheduled. September events will be listed in an August e-mail. If something comes up, Marvin will be at Summer-fest.

September TOOT: Dave Warthen is signed up for September layout.

Adjournment: Carolyn moved to adjourn. Louann seconded. The motion passed unanimously.

The meeting adjourned.