Minutes – PVS Excom meeting – October 25. 2011
The meeting was held at the home of Rosemary and Dick Schwartzbard. Present were Cara Jablon, Dick Laeser, Jan Marx, David Lerner, Reg Heitchue, John Holt, Dick and Rosemary Schwartzbard, and Dave Warthen.
The minutes from the September 27 meeting were accepted.
Dick Laeser submitted a Treasurer’s Report. The ending balance was $15,507.75. Dick did a graph of the clubs checking and savings accounts from 2006 to the present. While our membership has declined, the amount of money in our treasury has increased. It was decided this could be due to the savings incurred by sending the TOOT by email rather than by snail mail. This is a big savings. Also, the club is spending less on meetings and other events.
Dave Warthen gave the Membership Report. The Club presently has 145 members. Some members have chosen not to renew. Carolyn DeVilbiss and David Warthen have been contacting people who have not renewed.
Events & Meetings:
November 15 – monthly meeting (Ski Center)
December 13 – Excom (Jan Marx)
December 20 – Holiday Party (Cara and Bob Jablon)
No Ex-Com meeting in November
Rosemary reported on the Ski Trip Committee. She said there are still a couple spaces open on the Snowmass trip. Also, there is room for one couple and one single male on the Andorra trip.
Rosemary, Cara Jablon and David Lerner went to the BRSC meeting. The 2013 BRSC Western trip will be at Big Sky and the European trip will be at Trois Vallees.
John Smith will lead local ski trips to Ski Liberty and Whitetail.
Excom discussed making a Club donation in honor of long-time member Kirk Burns who passed away in August at the last meeting. Jan checked with Peggy Burns and she said there is no designated place to send donations for Kirk. No further action was taken.
TOOT editors are set through August. David Warthen and Jan Marx go every other month through May. Marvin Haas will take over from June through August. Ex Com agreed that the TOOT deadline will be the 27th of the month.
David Lerner discussed the PVS website which he said is updated one time per month. The website contains archives for the TOOT, Excom Minutes and photos. It was discussed that we should have an assistant web master. Mary Ward and Barbara Holt were suggested as possible candidates as they are knowledgeable about websites. David said the calendar page is not utilized for security purposes. It is important to have a website so people can find us on the web. It was questioned if this happens and both Rosemary and Dick Schwartzbard had met people on trips who found PVS on the web. David Warthen reported that the miscommunication with Capital Golden Skiers in regard to the TOOT has been straightened out. They will not distribute the TOOT .
Cara suggested that ExCom have guidelines in regard to reimbursement for parties. She said it would be useful to know how much PVS will reimburse for parties; what are events vs. meetings; should we keep the $3.00 fee for all events/parties; how does the process work. People hosting events/parties should be clear about the guidelines. It was decided that this will be on the agenda for the next ExCom meeting when Ray McKinley is present.
There will be no November ExCom meeting.
The meeting was adjourned
Submitted by
Rosemary Schwartzbard