Minutes – PVS Excom Conference Call Meeting – October 26, 2010

The meeting was held by conference call. Participants included Mary Beale, John Brunelli, Cara Jablon, Dick Laeser, Dave Lerner, Jan Marx, Sharon Mulholland, Dick and Rosemary Schwartzbard, John Seabold, and Ellie Thayer.

The September 28th Excom minutes were approved.

Dick Laeser distributed the Treasurer’s report electronically. “In the last month”, said Dick, “there hasn’t been a whole lot of activity except as pertains to the Gala. Doing the math it looks like the Club Treasury will be contributing about $1000to the Gala (over and above what is taken in via attendance fees). The club has a Treasury balance of $14,444.38 as of 10-26-10. Excom approved Dick’s report.

Membership Report – Dave Warthen submitted the 10-26-10 membership report electronically. Dave has taken great pains to help several members switch from receiving a USPS TOOT to accessing the electronic pdf version online.

The Club currently has 158 members: 11 applicant members, 20 absentee members, 6 associate members, 119 active members, and 2 honorary members.

Events & Meetings:

October 28 – Hike Great Seneca (Mulholland) January 16 – monthly meeting. 2 pm. (Holtz)

November 6 – 45th Anniversary Gala February 27 – monthly meeting. 2 pm. (host TBA)

November 16 – monthly meeting (Ski Center) March 15 – monthly meeting (Jan Marx)

Nov ember 30 - Excom meeting (Brunelli) April 19 – annual meeting (host TBA)

December 14 – monthly meeting/holiday party May 17 – monthly meeting (Knopes)


Sharon is expecting 6 people for the Great Seneca hike this week including the two leaders (Sharon and Ingrid Dallaire). Jan said that the latest count indicates that there will be 65 PVSers attending the November 6th Gala. She and Dottie Villers are putting the finishing touches on the program. A projector will be available. Jan asked Ellie if she was getting enough photos (from other members) taken at Club events/trips over the last 5 years. “Too many,” said Ellie. “We’re going to have to reduce the number or show them very fast.” The original date for the December meeting/holiday party was December 21st. Sharon has emailed the Mahallatis to see if it could be moved forward to December 14th. The later date may conflict with people’s travel plans etc.

Ski Trip Committee – “Nothing new,” said Rosemary. “The trips are doing fine.” Although not many have signed up for the December Keystone trip, Dick (Comerford) is going and would be happy to have others join him. There are 16 signed up for the Steamboat trip in February.

TOOT – The deadline for submissions for the November TOOT is October 29th (for editor, Dave Warthen) and October 27th (for organizer /manager, Ellie Thayer). Dave and Jan Marx have agreed/offered to serve as rotating editors for TOOT through December 2011 – with some help from Marvin Hass and the expectation/hope that Ellie will continue her role as solicitor of material from the members. The tentative schedule is:

December ’10 – Jan June ’11 – Dave

January ’11 – Jan July/August supplement ’11 - Marvin

February ’11 – Dave September ’11 – Jan

March ’11 – Marvin October ’11 – Dave

April ’11 – Dave November ’11 – Jan

May ’11 – Jan December ’11 - Dave

Old Business – Excom has had several discussions in the past regarding joint activities with the Capital Golden Skiers (CGS). Ellie had volunteered to provide a list of upcoming PVS activities to CGS each month for inclusion in the CGS newsletter. Unlike PVS’s TOOT which is posted on the Club website but password protected, the CGS newsletter is available on its website for the general public. Excom has learned that the CGS’s webmaster is not receiving issues of TOOT although that was the expectation. Ellie explained that it would be ever so much easier all the way around if CGS members could access the PVS website. Dave Lerner, the PVS webmaster, said that he could facilitate that by providing CGS members with knowledge on how to create their password. He plans to send a communication to this effect to CGS webmaster Bob Kramer. Dave and Rosemary spoke with CGS representatives at the October BRSC meeting. “They really want to be informed about our activity,” said Rosemary.

New Business – Excom discussed the best dates and types (conference call versus actual attendance) of meetings to have during the stretch from January through March. It happens that the fourth Tuesday of the month when Excom usually holds its meetings falls during the Snowmass trip in January and during the Steamboat trip in February. Various options were considered before arriving at the recommendation to have the January Excom meeting at the Schwartzbards on Tuesday, January 11th and the February Excom meeting by conference call on Wednesday, February 9th.

Nominating Committee Chair: Sharon asked for nominations for Chairman of the Nominating Committee. The Club By-Laws call for appointment of a Chairman at least 3 months prior to the election date (i.e. 3 months prior to the April Annual Meeting). The Chairman in turn (in consultation with the President) selects a Nominating Committee of no less than five additional members. The proposed slate of officers is announced in the March TOOT (i.e. not later than two months prior to the election). Just email suggestions to me,” said Sharon.

Consolidation of Meetings: A suggestion was made to try to reduce/consolidate the number of meetings that the Club holds. For example, the recent Oktoberfest (Sunday, October 24th) might have served as a general meeting as well as a social event. There was some concern that a change might disappoint members who are accustomed to monthly meetings being held on the 3rd Tuesday of the month except for Sunday afternoons in January and February. The general feeling was that members would be able to adapt to some events seconding as monthly meetings. A suggestion was made to change the name of the All Trips party because it is now as much for socializing as it is for trip descriptions. “I’m not sure we should change the name because we are a ski club.” “Maybe it could be the All Trips Summer Party.” Rosemary pointed out that it’s a good time to bring prospective members. “We need one meeting a year to focus on our trips.” Some members, worried that trip discussions will drag on, don’t come. Sharon asked Excom to be thinking of a new name.

Noting that the number of meetings can be an issue for prospective officers of the Club, Sharon said that she foresees 6 monthly meetings plus Oktoberfest, the November meeting at the Ski Center, the Holiday Party, and the All Trips party in the coming year. “Excom meetings are getting less burdensome. The new officers can decide to have more conference call meetings if they prefer.”

Ongoing Potential Applicant Members: The monthly Membership Report includes a long list (46 individuals and couples) of “ongoing Potential PVS Applicants”. Some potential applicants were first listed in 2008. Most were introduced to the Club by another member while others were self referred. Sharon asked if it might be appropriate to remove some of the names if there was no interaction with the Club. “I’d just as soon keep them on…” said John Brunelli. There may still be a chance that the individual(s) will decide to join. “Okay, very good, “said Sharon.

Submitted by Mary Beale, secretary