Minutes – PVS Conference Call Meeting – February 23, 2010
The meeting was held by conference call. Those participating included Mary Beale, Marvin Hass, Kerry Hines, Cara Jablon, Dick Laeser, Sue Lyon, Ray McKinley, Rosemary Schwartzbard, John Seabold, Dottie Villers, and Liz Warren-Boulton
Dottie was calling in from Jackson Hole, Wyoming where she was co leading a PVS ski trip. The group had spent the day at Grand Targhee. “We had a wonderful day,” said Dottie.
The January 26th Minutes were approved.
Dick Laeser summed up his treasury activities for the last month: “I’ve written three checks and made one deposit.” A more detailed report will be provided at a future meeting.
TOOT: Marvin Hass has kindly agreed to be the guest editor for TOOT for both March and April. Barbara Leonhardt has volunteered to take care of the snail mail distribution. The deadline for the March TOOT is March 1st.
Meetings & Events: Ray and Dottie are hoping that the Club’s annual meeting can be held in the party room of Reg and Jean Heitchue’s condo building in Reston, VA. Dottie said that she would talk with Reg who is with the group in Jackson Hole. The annual meeting has been held in the party room twice before. It is spacious, elegant, and has a large kitchen. “We’ll have a committee in charge of food,” said Dottie. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 20th.
Nomination of new Club officers: Kerry Hines led this year’s nominating committee for new officers. The committee was composed of Kerry (Chair), Carolyn DeVilbiss, Dick Schwartzbard, Eloise Strand, DaveWarthen, and Margaret Wyckoff. The committee has proposed the following slate of officers:
Sharon Mulholland – President
Ellie Thayer – Vice President
Mary Beale – Excom member (and continuation as Club secretary)
Dick Laeser – Excom member (and continuation as Club treasurer)
John Brunelli – Excom member (1 year commitment)
Dick Schwartzbard – Excom member (1 year commitment; completing Ellie Thayer’s 2 year term)
According to the Club By-Laws names of the nominees will be mailed to every active member prior to the annual meeting. Kerry will send the list to Marvin for publication in the March TOOT. As in the past additional nominations may be made by the signatures of any 5 active members and presented to the membership at least 1 month prior to the election. Elections are traditionally held during the annual meeting which this year is on April 20th. Bios of the candidates will be provided in the April TOOT.
45th Anniversary Gala: The anniversary planning committee has decided on the Bolger (Hotel and Conference) Center in Potomac, Maryland for the location of the Club’s 45th anniversary celebration. A reservation has been made for the evening of November 6th. A deposit has been submitted. The overall cost will depend on the menu selected and other details. “There are a lot of decisions left to be made,” said Dottie.
The March 16rd monthly meeting will be at Fred and Barbara Leonhardt’s.
An announcement about the March 24th Hexagon show didn’t make it into the February TOOT. Ray will provide the information to Marvin for the March TOOT. Interested individuals will be asked to contact Dottie.
John Seabold related that he had gone on to the Club’s website and found that information about Club trips was password protected. He was concerned that this would unintentionally prevent nonmembers surfing the net from learning about skiing opportunities offered by the Club.
The Sunday February 28th afternoon meeting will be at the home of Barbara and John Holt.
Minutes submitted by Mary Beale, secretary