Minutes – PVS Excom Conference Call Meeting – January 27, 2009
The meeting was held by conference call. Those participating were Mary Beale, Dick Laeser, Dave Lerner, Sue Lyon, Carolyn Maurer-DeVilbiss, Ray McKinley, Ruth Powers, Rosemary Schwartzbard, Mike Strand, Dottie Villers, and Dave Warthen.
Minutes from the December 9th Excom meeting were approved as corrected.
The Treasurer’s Report provided by Dick Laeser showed a combined Checking and Savings Account balance of $11,623.61.
Dave Warthen presented the Membership Report. Dave acknowledged the terrific job that Kerry Hines had done on his solo flight as the January TOOT editor. Dave contributed the new “Members’ Corner” to the issue. He also distributed the electronic versions of the newsletter [77 pdf, 31 MS-Word, 3 Emb Txt, and 2 Text (Att.)]. Barbara Leonhardt mailed printed copies to the appropriate recipients.
A single individual and 3 couples have been invited to become applicant members. All spent time with Club members during the recent Snowmass trip (Jan 15-22). Greg Gell, son of PVS member Gail Pease, was part of the Snowmass contingent. Greg lives in Oregon. Ray and Kathy Campbell attended one of the après ski socials at Snowmass as guests of Charles and Genee Boykin. The Campbell’s live in Maryland. Chuck and Sue MacLane were on the Snowmass trip. Trip leaders Carolyn and Dave DeVilbiss are their sponsors. They live in Virginia. Valerie Jones and Doug Seholm were repeaters at Snowmass. Their attendance is linked to that of Walter and Sylvia Lukens with whom they are friends. Valerie and Doug live in Massachusetts.
Dave Warthen has also learned of interest among two other couples. John and Barbara Holt live in Virginia and are friends of Club member Melissa FitzGerald. Larry and Carma Sands live in Ohio. They have learned of the Club through Sharon Mulholland and Dave Leonard.
Carolyn Maurer-DeVilbiss thanked Dave Warthen for reaching out to potential new members and following up with them so quickly. Rosemary pointed out how many potential members are met through ski trips. It underscores how important it is to have trips.
Events and Meetings: The general meeting held on Sunday January 25th at 2 pm was very well attended (29 active members+1 applicant+ hosts, Dottie Villers and Melissa FitzGerald). Nancy McKinley provided a cake in the shape of a knee to honor husband Ray’s 30 years of writing “The Knee” for TOOT. Another 2pm Sunday afternoon meeting will be held on February 15th. It will be at the Alexandria home of Dorie and John Waddick. Dave Lerner volunteered to oversee the sign in process. The regular Tuesday evening schedule will resume in March when the meeting will be held at Sally Finan’s home (3/17). Some concern was expressed about the timing of the meeting which will fall during the Taos trip (3/13-21/09). Mike suggested that we review the decision at the March 24th Excom meeting. Locations of other upcoming events include:
March 24th Excom – Dave and Marsha Warthen
April 21st Annual Meeting – Thomas and Sherri McKenna
April 28th Excom – David and Carolyn DeVilbiss
Ski Trip Status: Rosemary reported that she had read the Snowmass trip evaluations. “I think we had a love fest. I never saw so many ‘wonderfuls’.” The trip was also blessed by great weather.
The Taos trip still has room for two more.
Rosemary is looking for ski trip ideas for 2010. Carolyn and Dave DeVilbiss will be leading the Snowmass trip again.”Since it’s been approved,” inquired Carolyn, “can we advertise in (the February) TOOT?” Ray was concerned that it could put unannounced trips on uneven footing. Carolyn understood. Rosemary plans to post information in the February TOOT about local skiing opportunities. She’ll also put in a request for trip proposals for 2010. The deadline for trip proposals is April 15th. The committee’s selections are generally presented during the May Excom meeting. Rosemary has been contacting past trip leaders [e.g. Gene Sharer (Telluride) and Dick Commerford (Steamboat)] to see if they would be interested in being trip leaders again. A suggestion was made that she contact Don Dillon who helped run a trip to Telluride.
Sail Trip Status: Final payments for the Tahiti Cruise (5/28-6/12/09) are due in mid February.
TOOT Management: Kerry Hines will be the rotating editor for the February TOOT. Mike Strand volunteered to edit the March TOOT and Dave Warthen the April and May TOOT’s. Dave said that Jan Marx may be willing to be editor of an occasional issue. Mike will contact Jan. Hard copies of TOOT will be mailed out by Carolyn and Dave DeVilbiss in February and March and by the Callaway’s in April.
Other Business: PVS has received a request from Wayne Homens (BRSC President) to provide a link on the PVS website to the BRSC trip page. Dave Lerner explained that right now, PVS does not tell members on its website that they have the benefit of going on a BRSC trip. Dave feels that the information should be provided. Dottie Villers and Ruth Powers both expressed their views that a more open approach would not steal people away from PVS trips. As Dave Lerner pointed out, PVS draws people from BRSC when BRSC sanctions our trips. Since there were no objections, Dave Lerner will implement the BRSC request.
In October 2008, Excom approved posting Ron Fett’s 1968 Washington Post article about PVS on the Club website. There is room for more recent publications. Ray suggested adding Lu Beale’s 1990 Washington Post’s piece about the Club. Dave Warthen has learned that PVS member Larry Pease has a lot of historical information about the Club.
Nominating Committee (NC) Status: Mike announced appointments to the nominating committee- Eloise Strand (Chairperson), Glade Flake, Jan Marx, Marty Rine, Rosemary Schwartzbard, and Ellie Thayer. Traditionally the NC proposes the new slate of officers to the membership two months prior to the Annual Meeting (4/21). A vote is taken at the meeting.
PVS is hosting the BRSC spring meeting on May 2nd at the Best Western in Fairfax. Dave Lerner will ask for volunteers to help out as the date draws near.
Minutes submitted by Mary Beale, Secretary