Minutes – PVS Excom – April 24, 2007

The meeting was held at the home of Bob Knopes. Present were Mary Beale, Dick Comerford, Sara and Charlie Huggins, Bob Knopes, Dick Laeser, Dave Lerner, Jan and Bob Marx, Carolyn Maurer, Ruth Powers, and David Warthen.

The minutes of the March 27th meeting were approved as corrected.

Dick L. distributed a summary of the Club’s recent financial activity. There was a $100 expenditure for the use of the party room at the Heitchue’s for the Annual Meeting.

New Excom members (Carolyn, Ruth, and David W.) were welcomed.

Dick C. opened a discussion regarding the appointment of a new Membership Chair. David W. said that he had been approached about the position. He had a few questions. He wondered if the number of meetings was going to be reduced as had been suggested and supported by some of the members. Carolyn said that she and David DeVilbiss would like to help. However, they have a busy year ahead. Carolyn and David D. are getting married in May.

Responsibilities of the Chair currently include:

  1. Maintaining an up to date database of the members.

  2. Sending dues notices to everyone in the club every two years. Collecting and recording payment of dues. Sending follow up reminders to people who haven’t paid on time.

  3. Organizing and distributing a current roster of members to the membership approximately once a year.

  4. Greeting and welcoming new members at Club functions.

  5. Providing information to individuals outside the club who may be interested in joining.

There was general agreement that friendliness was the first priority. Dave L. offered to provide technical help to the new Chair if there were computer questions. A team approach to the position was considered. If adopted, the person maintaining the database and collecting the money would be the administrative member. The individual on the welcoming end would serve as the public face of the Club.

Jan volunteered to include a request in TOOT for members to submit their suggestions.

Dick C. said that he would send out an email asking everyone to peruse the roster for potential nominees.

Currently there is no one overseeing mid week events. Mike Strand had functioned in that capacity before becoming President this month.

Dick C. asked for comments regarding the number of meetings. In a recent e-mail, Dick Schwartzbard expressed his view that there are too many Club meetings. He recommended reducing the number of Excom meetings from 12 to 4 a year. He pointed out that much of Excom’s business could be conducted via e-mail. Dick recently completed a two-year term on Excom.

Dick C. suggested holding Excom meetings in the half hour before the monthly meeting. Jan cautioned that an earlier start meant more traffic problems. While acknowledging the value of e-mail, it was agreed that actually convening was most conducive to earnest discussion. Dave L. recommended changing Excom meetings to every 2 months. Another recommendation was to combine the two ideas. A motion was made to a) hold the next Excom meeting in conjunction with the monthly meeting, b) use e-mail liberally to determine agenda items, and c) assess feelings about the new meeting arrangement after it’s been implemented. All were in favor.

It was noted that Excom meetings are the second highest expenditure for the Club after TOOT. The Club will be saving money if fewer Excom meetings are held.

Dave L. has renewed the Club’s website for a 2 year period. This represents a saving over annual renewal.

Jackie Flaherty announced at the Annual Meeting that she would no longer be a member of PVS. She is busy with her children, grandchildren, tennis, etc. A question had been asked about emeritus status. Excom was reluctant to add another membership category at this time. Jackie will always be welcome as a guest at Club functions.

The meeting was adjourned at 9 pm.

Minutes submitted by Mary Beale, Secretary