The meeting was held at the home of David and Rachel Abraham. Present were David Abraham, Mary Beale, Charlie and Sara Huggins, Bob Knopes, Dick Laeser, Dave Lerner, Bob and Jan Marx, Ray McKinley, Burr Schuler, Mike Strand, Pat Vagonis, and Margaret Wyckoff.
The minutes from the February 28th meeting were approved as corrected.
Pat confirmed that she has turned over membership information to Mike Hatanaka. Mike is the new Membership Chair. The current membership total is 193.
Dick submitted the Treasurer’s report updated to March 27th. The club holds both a savings and a checking account at Cardinal Bank.
Ray has arranged locations for the majority of PVS functions remaining this year. The annual meeting, April 17th, will be in the party room at the Heitchue’s condominium building. The April 24th Excom will be at the Knopes’, the May 15th meeting at the Ufholz’s, and the June 19th meeting at Carolyn and David Callaway’s.
Ray has been working with the company running the ski arrangements for this summer’s trip to Argentina and Brazil. It has been very frustrating because the costs keep changing. He was given a price for today but it may change next week.
So far nine people have signed up for the Brookside Gardens tour on April 26th. David asked Jan to put a reminder in the next TOOT.
Ski Trip Committee (STC)
There are 3 trip proposals for next year. The trip to Snowmass (January 17-24, 2008) was unanimously approved at the February Excom meeting. The two additional trips are to Sun Valley, Idaho (February 9-16, 2008) led by the McKinleys and to Bulgaria/Slovenia (March 2-13, 2008) led by Kerry and Marianne Hines. The STC recommends their endorsement by Excom. Mike commended the fact that there are 2 weeks between each trip. There are no PVS sponsored BRSC trips this year. A motion was made to approve the trips. All were in favor.
Excom turned its attention to the matter of applicant members. Currently there are 15 individuals holding applicant status. They are in various stages of fulfilling the requirements for membership. In informal discussions preceding this evening’s meeting, there has been support both for waiving the full requirements and for amending the By-Laws. There is general agreement that the club needs to attract skiers. The number of active skiers in the club has been declining.
Pat asked about the stipulation in the By-Laws that applicants attend three meetings to qualify for membership. The requirement reflects an earlier view that meetings afforded an ideal opportunity to get to know applicants. Now that the club has an Internet presence, there may be applicants who are totally new to everyone. Club events have been regarded as less interactive than meetings. “The criterion makes sense,” said David, “but it’s not one we want to continue because it’s too rigid.”
In proposed changes to the By-Laws circulated by email on March 27th, Bob broadened the criteria for membership. An applicant could still fulfill the social requirement by attending three meetings but equal weight would be given to each of the following four situations:
-Ski with PVS members on two or more weeklong PVS sanctioned ski trips
-Host one meeting and attend at least one PVS function
-Attend at least three PVS functions
-Upon a two- thirds vote of Excom (if Excom is otherwise convinced of the applicant’s qualifications)
As Bob pointed out, liberalizing the requirements would serve a number of purposes. Less emphasis would be placed on attendance at monthly meetings. Meeting attendance has declined in recent years due to extended driving times and competition from work, family, etc. Relaxing the role of meetings could result in still smaller gatherings. The pool of individuals with homes large enough to accommodate meetings would grow. This in turn would make it easier for the Events Chair to find willing hosts.
The proposed changes actually provide incentives for applicants to host meetings. They also favor individuals who are active skiers. In addition, they formalize the process by which Excom can waive requirements in selective cases.
The criteria changes were discussed by those present. Some minor word substitutions and a clause shift were suggested. A motion was made to approve the new criteria. All were in favor. Bob plans to publish the final version in the April issue of TOOT. The amendment will be voted on at the April 17th Annual Meeting. If adopted, access to membership will be a much easier process.
The discussion returned to the roster of current applicants. Three individuals qualify for membership according to existing guidelines. They do not need Excom’s approval. A fourth applicant has not met all the requirements but has been on four ski trips. A motion was made to waive the requirements for this individual. All were in favor. The names of the four applicants will be published in the April issue of TOOT (at least two weeks prior to the Annual Meeting). A vote will be held at the April 17th meeting.
Broaching a different subject, Dave asked the club to consider opening its ranks to other snow sport enthusiasts (e.g. snowboarders, snowshoers, XC skiers, etc.). This step has already been taken by certain ski clubs confronting an aging membership and declining interest in skiing. Ray said that he was very strongly opposed to such a fundamental change. It would probably have to go back to the Charter.
David thanked Excom for its assistance. His term as President will expire in April.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:22 pm.
Minutes submitted by Mary Beale, Secretary