Minutes of the PVS Ex Com meeting 11/28/2006
The meeting was held at the home of Bob and Jan Marx. The meeting was started at 8:05, and Mike Strand thanked Bob and Jan for hosting the meeting. Board members attending were: Charlotte Eddy, Bob Knopes, Dick Laeser, Dave Lerner, Mike Strand and Burr Schuler. The minutes from the previous meeting were approved as corrected.
Dick Laeser gave the treasurer’s report. The transfer of the treeasurer’s responsibilities from Ray Jones is almost complete except that Dick does not have the archives. The Sandy Springs account is now closed. Everything is up to date as of today.
The membership chairman was not present, and there was no report.
Ray McKinley was not present. The December meeting is at the Monahan’s on the 19th. Ex Com is on January 9. This will be the December-January meeting.
Dave Lerner reported that Bob Marx will attempt to publish the December TOOT on the Web site.
Nominating Committee - A nominating committee chairperson is needed. David Abraham is recommending Sharon Mulholland. A vote was taken and the nomination was approved unanimously. Sharon will select people to make up the committee.
Membership categories – There are no changes at this time.
Dues – The question was brought up, is there a need to raise dues, and if so, how much. One way would be to levy a surcharge to anyone who gets their TOOT by mail. We need an analysis of whether we need to charge more for the TOOT being mailed financially. Dick Laeser said this should be in the archives from Ray Jones.
Demo Day - Charlie Huggins mentioned that the Ski Center is sponsoring a demo day at Liberty, and something should be put in the TOOT about this. The date is January 3, and $15.00 rebates are available at the Ski Center.
Bob Marx put together a list of issues for the ski trip guidelines. There are four issues:
Number of ski trips – There are six trips this year. Theguidelines say 3-4 trips per year is recommended. PVS does not sanction going on the BRSC trip unless there is a leader for the trip. There was a question as to whether to change the Trip Guidelines concerning the BRSC trips or not.
Insurance –Should we ask trip leaders to work with their vendors to offer an insurance package? What type of insurance is needed (insurance for trip cancellation vs. insurance for medical evacuation etc.)? ExCom does not wish to make any recommendations at this time.
Surcharges for land only – Bob M. has put in a $10.00 surcharge for the Snowmass trip for those who are land only. The ski trip guidelines don’t say anything about this at the moment. Should the guidelines say anything about this?
Should we allow a trip leader to charge more to defray their costs? There was some discussion about this topic.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:15.