The meeting was held at the home of Sara and Charlie Huggins.
Present were David and Rachel Abraham, Mary Beale, Marvin Hass, Charlie and Sara Huggins, Dick Laeser, David Lerner, Burr Schuler, and Dick Schwartzbard. The minutes of the May 23rd meeting were approved as corrected.
David took up the topic of when to begin the business part of the PVS monthly meetings. Historically the meetings have begun at 7:30 pm with a call to order for the business presentation at 8 pm. David had received some feedback that people would like a longer period to socialize. This necessarily would mean that the meeting would wrap up later. A show of hands at the May 16th PVS meeting showed an almost even distribution of support for starting the business session at 8, 8:15, and 8:30. Put differently, there are members happy with the current routine and members happy to change it. David is inclined to keep it flexible, perhaps starting a little after 8 pm.
Activities that will be occurring in the next few weeks include the All Trips party on July 15th at the home of Marianne and Kerry Hines, ExCom on July 25th at Mary Beale’s, and a picnic at Reg and Jean Heitchue’s on August 12th. The August 22nd ExCom meeting will be at the Schwartzbard’s. Betty Lawrence will again host the annual Crab Fest on September 2nd. Monthly PVS meetings will resume in September with Dorie and John Waddick as the first hosts. David is working on a group outing on September 16th to Strathmore to hear the National Philharmonic.
David read a letter from Ray Jones informing him of Ray’s resignation as Treasurer effective with his relocation in September. Ray requested a change in membership status from active to absentee for him and his wife Judy. Ray is starting a new job in Sarasota, Florida. There are three areas of unfinished business which will need attention: receipt of the Virginia incorporation papers for PVS, selection of a PVS agent living in Virginia to replace Ray, and transfer of PVS financial holdings to a more favorable bank. In reviewing the June 20th Treasurer’s Report that Ray submitted, David noted that the latest 2006-2007 Operating Budget shows a $300 surplus at the end of the term. Distributing TOOT by email has cut down on printing and mailing cost. However, the expense of mailing TOOT to absentee members exceeds the amount they pay in dues. David commended Ray (in absentia) for the excellent job he has done. Please share suggestions for a new Treasurer with David.
David acknowledged Mike Strand’s thoughtful email of June 12th that presented a comprehensive list of non-ski activities for consideration. David sought input from those attending this evening’s meeting as he took up each suggestion.
Linking up with other ski clubs/BRSC for non-ski activities. (response). “ It’s something anyone can do. I don’t know that we want to promote it.”
Restaurant Dining Out. “It does get difficult. Restaurants don’t want a big group.” “It’s something we did for a couple of years. John Smith did a fantastic job.” “If it’s done in connection with something else, it makes a lot of sense.”
Frank Shelbourne Memorial Hike. Continue to hold in the spring or return to fall? “I think it’s better to have in the fall before skiing.”
Bicycling Gourmet. Attendance by PVS. Inclusion in TOOT. “Marvin (Hass) leads it.” “No reason not to include in TOOT.” “Add something to the TOOT announcement saying that people are also welcome just for lunch.”
Out-of-Town Activities: a) Finger Lakes Wine Tour. Repeat in 2007 or 2008? “Not an inexpensive trip.” “It was a very successful trip. There were 20 to 22 people.” “Wait at least a year.” b) Sun Valley Jazz Jamboree. “No way of knowing (how many members would participate).” c) Reno/Lake Tahoe excursion. “We know nothing about this type of trip.” People sometimes express interest in a trip but then fall short of signing up. d) Black Hills excursion that could include visit to Mt Rushmore. “A problem: Are we a non-ski travel club or a ski/tour club as in the past.” “Don Dillon led a trip to England one summer. It had pretty good attendance.” “Participation in ski trips is down to 44% of the membership. Some members might like this kind of thing.” “If a member wants to organize a non-ski trip, ExCom should support this.”
Cultural Events. a) Phantom of the Opera. Pat Vagonis has volunteered to organize an evening for PVS to attend when it comes to the Kennedy Center in June-August 2007. b) Radio City Music Hall. “ A few years ago this trip was very successful. There were 40 people and we had a great time.”
David encouraged ExCom members to champion one or two activities and to inspire other members to lead an activity.
Returning to the subject of ski trips that started during the May ExCom meeting, David asked how the discussion could be organized to make it efficient and constructive. In May and in emails that followed the meeting, there were different opinions as to the optimal number of ski trips in a given season. The ski trips committee feels that ExCom should set the policy on ski trips. The guidelines currently implemented by the ski trips committee are in print. New ExCom members asked to have the guidelines emailed to them. A suggestion was made to solicit the membership for comments so that guidelines would be representative of the club. Separate from the number of trips held is the manner in which specific trips are chosen. Traditionally in PVS, individuals have chosen the venue and worked out the details. Some see problems with this approach. Prospective leaders don’t know when they’re doing the planning who is getting what dates. In some clubs such as SCWDC and the Pentagon Ski Club, a committee decides on the trip destinations and lodging and then finds leaders for them. These clubs are larger than PVS. They underwrite the trips so that the leaders are not vulnerable for unexpected changes in price or cancellations in the group.
The last topic of discussion concerned the transfer of TOOT to the PVS web site. The nature of TOOT is such that it would need to be password protected. Dave Lerner recommended individual passwords over a group password. Past issues would be more easily accessed if the change were implemented. ExCom approved moving forward with the idea.
Dick Schwartzbard moved to adjourn at 9:30 pm.
Minutes submitted by Mary Beale, Secretary