Minutes of PVS ExCom, October 25, 2005
The meeting was held at the home of Sharon Mulholland. Present were David Abraham, Jessma Blockwick, Dave DeVilbiss, Charlotte Eddy,
Jan and Bob Marx, Carolyn Maurer, Ray McKinley, Sharon Mulholland,
Burr Schuler, Mike Strand. President David Abraham presided.
A voting quorum was present.
The minutes of the September meeting were approved.
The President presented the Treasurer’s report in the absence of Ray Jones who had had knee surgery. He was reported as doing well following the surgery. Finances look okay for the next two years.
Re the 40th Anniversary Banquet: There are 88 reservations. The Treasurer thinks the event will need less than $1000 of Club money. Tickets are $59 and the Bolger Center will be paid $55. Wine is costing $13 a bottle. There will be a few table decorations, plus pens as favors, and some printing costs for programs and menus.
Ray McKinley reported that the next meeting is at the home of Ingrid Monaghan, with ExCom at the McKinleys. In December, the usual ExCom date would be December 27th. After a discussion on whether to combine the December and January ExCom meetings, it was decided to hold just one on January 10th. That would avoid ski trip dates.
There was discussion on where to hold the PVS Holiday meeting, Ray will look at various options. The Chili Hike is not yet full.
Dave DeVilbiss reported on midweek activities. He will look into Army Band concerts and also consider the New Dominion Chorale Christmas concert.
Bob Marx reported that BRSC is seeking club votes on what group should ruin the 2007 European trip to Austria. They have bids from three companies which are within $100. of each other. Question was raised about GTU whose leader some years ago was convicted of fraud. Recommendation of Ski Trip Committee is to go with GTU which has an excellent record. Consensus was to approve using GTU.
Mike Strand was asked at the last meeting to look at event planning. He handed out a chart of 2006 planning. Discussion followed of what could be added. Abraham suggested ExCom members take the charts home and make October 25, 2005 ExCom Minutes
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notes of suggestions and ideas by quarters. This would be helpful in planning future events. Add ideas of events the Club might do. Particularly to come up with suggestions for first quarter of the year.
Jan Marx has done a spread sheet of ski trips and activities of the past 40 years which she will share. She will be preparing a special edition of TOOT for the Anniversary dinner.
Strand suggested that, since so many pictures are being put together for the anniversary dinner, it might be a good idea to put together a 2006 wall calendar with some of the PVS pictures. Question was raised as to whether that would require getting permission from each family. Consensus was that there were too many questions to work out soon enough.
Strand had gotten Washington National Baseball tickets for PVSers this year. McKinley said it had been a great experience. Strand will announce plans for this activity for next year in TOOT.
Shuler moved the meeting be adjourned and all agreed.
Minutes submitted by Jessma Blockwick, Secretary.