August 23, 2005
Present: Rachel and David Abraham, Jessma Blockwick, Charlotte Eddy, Marvin Hass, Ray Jones, Jan and Bob Marx, Ray McKinley, Burr Schuler, Dick Schwartzbard.
The meeting was held at the home of Jessma Blockwick, with President
Abraham presiding.
The minutes of the July meeting were approved as amended.
Jones gave the financial report. Probably the club will need a new investment, perhaps CD or brokerage account. He can investigate options for interest but probably not going to make much difference.
Overall the club is in good financial shape. Noted again that sending the TOOT electronically has saved a great deal of money.
McKinley reported on activities:
September 3 - Crabfest at Betty Lawrence’s
September 20 - Monthly meeting at the Waddick’s
September 27 ExCom - no location yet
October 1 - Oktoberfest at Slack/Wards
October 8-10, Blue Knob Weekend
October 18 - Monthly meeting at Ingrid Monaghan’s
October 25 - ExCom at the McKinley’s
November 5 - 40th Anniversary Dinner
November 12 - Chili Hike
Rachel Abraham reported on the Anniversary Dinner It is now close to being full. There are 10 tables in the dining room which will be set for 8 people. The cash bar is in another room. Discussion followed on whether to consider setting one additional place at each table if needed. Schwartzbard moved that we limit attendance to 80. Motion withdrawn with no second.
The Abrahams said they will visit the Bolger Center and check on how crowded an additional person at each table would make it.
R Abraham asked what to tell people when more checks come in after limit reached. Agreed to tell people they are on a wait list. The earliest will probably get into the dinner.
ExCom Minutes, August 23, 2005
Page 2
She reported Marvin Hass needs more interesting pictures to make up the video show. Hass said scans, digital photos or slides are acceptable.
McKinley reported that the musical “Spamalot” is coming to the National Theater next June. It will no doubt be sold out so he will look into group rates for either Friday June 9th or Friday June 16th.
Eddy will look into a visit to the Spy Museum in late October.
Blockwick will check on tour of Washington Post printing plant for early December
Bob Marx reported for the Ski Trip Committee. He thanked Ray Jones for sending in check for BRSC dues. The Snow Mass trip has 29 signed up.
Telluride is probably full.
Hass reported for the Membership Chair. D.Abraham had had report from Pat Vagonis, saying there are 141 renewals, with 61 not yet renewing, some long-time members, some applicants.
Hass suggested ways of acting on this. (1) Send a renewal notice first-class to those who have not responded. (2) Put in targeted announcement in large font on colored paper in TOOT. (3) Generic notice in September TOOT.
There was general agreement to try an announcement in big font on colored paper with amount listed. If there is no response, ExCom members will call those still not renewing.
D. Abraham reminded that Marilyn Clark is leaving the area and has resigned from ExCom. He suggested naming Mike Hatanaka to fill her term Voting members agreed.
Schwartzbard moved to adjourn at 9:08
Jessma Blockwick, Secretary