The meeting was held at the home of David Abraham. All ExCom members were present except for Burr Schuler. President David Abraham called the meeting to order at 8:05. There were no minutes available to approve from the last meeting. They will be provided at the next meeting.
Treasurer Ray Jones was not present. David Abraham spoke about Ray’s report on the changing of the place of corporation for PVS from DC to Virginia. Ray Jones has agreed to be the registered agent for the club in the state of Virginia.
Wilma Sharer reported that we are up to 200 members. We have two new applicant members, Ann Snyder and Jean van der Tak. We are about to go through the membership renewal process, so there will be some openings available.
Bob Marx reported. He offered a proposal for a ski trip to Winter Park to be led by David Lerner at the end of March/beginning of April. This will be a “bargain” trip. The all-inclusive price is $1300. David Abraham asked for a motion to approve the trip. Marilyn Clark so motioned, seconded by Sharon Mulholland. The motion passed unanimously. There is a fifth ski trip proposed. Dick Comerford has volunteered to lead the BRSC trip to Val Gardena. It is March 3-11 and does not conflict with any PVS trip. Bob Marx passed out information (see attached) for a proposed membership survey on club ski trips. There was some discussion about the survey and whether or not to include it with the membership renewal survey. The ExCom approved the idea. The Ski Trip Committee will develop the survey within the next two months and determine the means of distribution of the survey.
Ray McKinley reported on upcoming events. The following events are planned:
April 30 – DC Ski Show
May 17 – May monthly meeting at Liz Warren-Boulton and Joe Jevck’s
May 24 – May ExCom meeting at Margaret Wyckoff’s
June 21 – Monthly meeting at the Knopes’
June 28 – June ExCom TBD
July 16 – All Trips Party at the Sharer’s
September 3 – Crabfest at Betty Lawrence’s
August 25-29 – Wine tasting tour at the Finger Lakes (Paynes)
June 4-5 – Trip to Brandywine valley (McKinleys)
November 5 – Fortieth Anniversary dinner
David DeVilbiss announced a planned trip to see the Titanic exhibit at the Science Museum in Baltimore for May or June. There will be a bike/hike on May 26 led by Marvin Hass.
Jan Marx said that the TOOT needs to have inputs by Thursday, April 28.
David Abraham mentioned that Mike Strand would be leaving the ExCom since he is now vice-president. David mentioned that he appointed Sharon Mulholland to replace Mike for the remainder of his two year term (1 year). The ExCom unanimously approved the appointment. David Abraham spoke briefly about his upcoming term as president and mentioned that he saw no major changes for the short term.
Bob Marx reported that about 15 PVSers attended Emmi Plowman’s funeral.
Mike Strand presented documentation for a proposed dues structure (see attached). Mike S. motioned that the new Associate Member category be charged $25 for a single member and $40 per couple. The motion was seconded by Dick Schwartzbard and approved unanimously. There were 7 yes votes which constitutes the required number (6) for passage of the new dues rate change. Mike will draft an article for the TOOT concerning the new membership category.
Mike Strand motioned to adjourn, and the meeting was adjourned at 9:20.