The meeting was held at the home of Marilyn Clark. President Reg Heitchue called the meeting to
order at
Treasurer Ray Jones reported and distributed copies of the treasurer’s report. All incorporation papers are in the hands of the attorney. Ray anticipates that it will be completed by the end of January. He said that there has been a large savings on sending out the TOOT. The cost has been cut by about a third. Ray will do an update report on the budget in March. He asked the club to consider opening a ‘super’ account at one of the banks, which would earn more money.
Wilma Sharer was not present, but Marilyn Clark reported that we have a new applicant member. Wilma needs to submit the list of applicant members to be voted on at the Feb. ExCom meeting, so that it can go into the March TOOT. There are two people who are applicant members but have not been to a meeting.
Bob Marx reported. The STC has been inactive for the last month. They have not dealt with changing trip evaluations, so the current evaluations will be used on the Snowmass trip. Two new situations have come up, and the trip leaders have contacted the trip participants. The situations have been successfully resolved.
David Abraham reported. The Program Planning Committee has been
terminated. Reg Heitchue thanked David
for doing a great job as Program Planning Committee chairman. Dave DeVilbiss has agreed to become the new mid-week
events coordinator and is considering an October trip to
Marilyn Clark provided updated information about the
Ray McKinley reported on upcoming events. The following events are planned:
Absentee members - Mike Strand said that he
distributed information to absentee members.
All absentee members must first be a regular member. To qualify as an absentee member you must
reside at least 75 miles outside of
Fortieth dinner – Rachel Abraham reported. There will be three speakers: Glade Flake for history, Ray McKinley for something humorous, and the incumbent president, David Abraham. Jan Marx will be writing a skit. Rachel gave prices for hotel rooms. There will be information about the event in the next TOOT. David Abraham reported on the financial picture. The basic fee is $55.00, which does not include the cost of corkage ($1.00/bottle), wine, program fees, and favors. If there are fewer than 70 people attending, there will be an additional fee. David suggested that we pay any supplemental fees from the treasury. Ray McKinley motioned that we set the price at $59.00 unless we have 70 people or more. The motion was seconded by Reg Heitchue and passed unanimously.
Nominating Committee – Serge Triau reported. The nominating committee consists of Serge Triau, Mike Hatanaka, Bob Knopes, Ruth Powers, June Read-Martin and Mary Ward. The new nominees are:
President – David Abraham
Vice-President – Mike Strand
ExCom – Charlotte Eddy, Burr Schuler, Dick
There was no new business.