Executive Committee (ExCom)
PVS is governed by a President, Vice President and six active members in good standing who comprise the ExCom (Executive Committee). The Secretary takes minutes of meetings, which are then made available to the general membership once approved. Other officers and committee chairs also participate. For more information on the structure and composition of the ExCom, see the By-Laws.
- President – Barry Lake
- Vice President – Cara Jablon
- Secretary – Ellie Thayer
- Treasurer – Dick Schwartzbard
- Ex Officio -
Board Members:
- First Term:
- Salli Diakova
- Kathy Lake
- Don Vierimaa
- Second Term:
- Manfred Boehringer
- Mary Rose de Valladares
- Jannes Gibson
- Ski Trip Committee – Rosemary Schwartzbard
- Events – Marianne Soponis
- Membership Records – TBA
- Webmaster – Mary Ellena Ward
- Meeting Records – Sue Lyon
- Historian – Jan Marx
- Coordinator – Ellie Thayer
- Layout Editors – Jan Marx, Kerry Hines, & Dave Warthen
- E-Distribution – President